Privacy Policy

This page sets out Emaar Hotels & Resorts (Milano) S.r.l.s confidentiality policies for processing the personal data of visitors who access its websites.

The privacy policy below is provided, in compliance with article 13 of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) UE 2016/679, to those who use the web services available over the internet by Emaar Hotels & Resorts (Milano) S.r.l. and the Group.

The privacy policy is also based on Recommendation no. 2/2001 adopted on 17/05/2001 by the European personal data protection authorities, meeting as the Working Party on Protection of Individuals established under article 29 of Directive 95/46/EC, to set out the minimum requirements to be implemented to protect the collection of personal data online. The policy also sets out the minimum measures that must be enacted to safeguard people who use web pages, to ensure that their data is processed lawfully and fairly.

Data Controller

When this website is used, data belonging to identified or identifiable people may be processed.

The Data Controller for this processing is Emaar Hotels & Resorts (Milano) S.r.l., with registered office at Milano, Via Dei Giardini, 4, Italy.

The Data Protection Office can be contact to this email address:

Where the Personal Data is Processed

You can visit the Emaar Hotels & Resorts (Milano) S.r.l. website without needing to provide any personal information.Any personal data given to Emaar Hotels & Resorts (Milano) S.r.l. via the web is processed at its office in Italy and in Arab Emirates.The personal data is handled only by technical staff specially designated to do so and, from time to time, by personnel performing maintenance work.

If you use the website forms to request bookings and to sign up to the e-newsletter, then you must give your personal data (name, surname, address, email address, telephone number, etc.) and authorise us to process it.

The personal data acquired through the web services provided by Emaar Hotels & Resorts (Milano) S.r.l. is held at his office and at the premises of the external companies involved in providing those services (e.g. software houses, server farms or web agencies). The data is processed only by technical staff appointed to do so or by those responsible for occasional maintenance work.

Types of Data Processed

Website-use data
The information systems and software procedures deployed to run this website gather some personal-data items during their normal operation. These items are sent to us as an inevitable result of communicating via the internet. When collecting this information, we do not seek to associate it with identified individuals. By its nature, however, it potentially could be used – by processing it and linking it with data held by third parties – to identify you.This type of data includes the following: the IP addresses or domain names of computers that you use when visiting the website; URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of the resources requested; the time of the request; the method used to send the request to the server; the size of the file obtained in response; the numeric code for the response status from the server; and other parameters about your operating system and computing environment. This information is used only to obtain anonymous statistical information on the use of this website and to ensure that the website works properly. The information could also be employed to investigate who is responsible for any cybercrime that damages the website: if not needed for that purpose, your personal data is kept for no more than thirty days.

Emaar Hotels & Resorts (Milano) S.r.l. does not automatically sample or collect any personal information from visitors to our websites. This website uses session cookies but only to allow you to browse the site securely.These cookies do not enable personal data to be collected about you. By using the Emaar Hotels & Resorts (Milano) S.r.l. websites, you agree for the data collected through session cookies to be processed via the means and for the purposes stated above, in line with the Italian data protection commissioner’s ruling of 4 June 2014.

Our website uses cookies to provide users with up-to-date, personalised information. To agree to the use of cookies, click “Accept”.

Full details on how we use cookies are available in the Privacy Policy section.

Providing Data is Optional
Except as stated for the website-use data, you may choose to give your personal data in order to obtain information or other kinds of service from Emaar Hotels & Resorts (Milano) S.r.l. Without this data, it may be impossible to provide the requested service. The legal basis for data processing is subjec to the person’s consent.

Means of Processing
Personal data is handled via automated tools for as long as is strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which it has been obtained. Specific security measures are followed to prevent data loss, unlawful or improper uses, and unauthorised access.

Your Rights
Under articles 15-22 of GDPR, if personal data about you is held, then you are entitled at any time to be told whether or not your data is being kept, to check it for accuracy, and to ask for it to be added to, updated, corrected or deleted. Under the same article, you may also ask that unlawfully processed data be deleted, anonymised or frozen; in any event, you may object for legitimate reasons to that data being processed.Requests under articles 15-22 of GDPR must be sent to Emaar Hotels & Resorts (Milano) S.r.l. by email to

For the Purposes of GDPR:

The Data Controller is Emaar Hotels & Resorts (Milano) S.r.l., in the person of its current legal representative.

The up-to-date list of responsibles is available among the controller.